Tuesday 16 August 2016

Best Hospital for Lung Cancer Treatment in India

Globally, cancer has spread its wings with highest prevalence across the globe! Out of many different forms of cancer, lung cancer has observed to be the most threatening form, affecting many individuals, due to adapted life styles and increased exposure to pollution. In India, the scenario is nothing seems to be different! As per the statistical analysis, surveyed by the top most Indian Physicians, among all forms of cancer; numbers of cases that are being affected with lung cancer have observed to be more than 80%. Yet the good news is that if diagnosed in its early stage, the best hospitals for lung cancer treatment in India; can cure nearly 75% of the cases without much hassle.

Best lung cancer treatment

Many times due to the symptomatic similarities with TB; lung cancer can be often misdiagnosed and treated randomly for months, thus wasting too much of its time. Although, India can offer you the best lung cancer treatment, because of the common evidences and availability of highly skilled health care professionals. Doctors have proposed many of the below mentioned symptoms:

·         Persistent coughing with changes in the color of the sputum
·         Shortness of breath and pain in chest, neck and shoulders
·         Changes in the voice or hoarseness
·         Recurrent lung issues such as bronchitis and pneumonia

Many specialists and highly skilled doctors have been currently practicing by offering best lung cancer treatment in India. When a cancer is first suspected, a patient will be first prescribed lung biopsy to confirm initial diagnosis of lung cancer. Once the cancer is being diagnosed, different types of treatments are available depending upon the form and the severity of the cancer, such as:

·         Small multimodal surgery
·         Chemotherapy and radiation
·         Assisted therapy such as stem cells therapy

Although, if the cancer appears to be on the last stage of its spread, offering the lung transplant surgery in India is the only available option that is completely dependent upon finding a suitable donor and performing the procedure through skilled expertise and state of the art facility.

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