Sunday 17 April 2016

Best Kidney Transplant Hospitals in India

Kidney Transplant Surgery:-

With the advent of technology and continuous developments in the health sector, Kidney Transplant, which was considered to be an impossible treatment, has become as common and easy as treating any other organ of the body. Kidney Transplant basically aims at replacing the inefficient, unhealthy kidney with the healthy one.

Generally, only one kidney is replaced, but if the patient is lucky enough, he may get both of his kidneys replaced, if he gets a donor who is ready to donate away both of his kidneys. A liver transplant is carried out in the lower abdomen in the front side of the human body.
Kidney Transplant Hospital
Kidney Transplant

The advancement in technology has made Kidney Transplants risk free with negligible surgery failure rate. Also, the non-requirement of frequent dialysis has made renal transplants cost effective and also less burdensome.

When Does The Need For Kidney Transplant Surgery Arise:-

There exist many possibilities and many primary stages of disorders where one may require a Kidney Transplant in India . A few have been listed below.

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (which is generally rare)
Polycystic Kidney Disorder
Repeated Urinary Infections
Kidney Inflammation
Failure of Kidneys (Often Caused By Diabetes)

However, it may be noted that Kidney Transplant Surgery may not always be the most reliable solution and that here may exist other favorable alternatives.

Transplant In India
                Kidney Transplant in India

Unsuitable Donors For The Kidney Transplant Procedure:-

It is one of the most crucial part of the surgery where the medical history of the donor should be thoroughly checked and studied before accepting any organ as a donation, in the first place. Donors with a poor medical history, especially those affected by heart disorders, cancer, respiratory problems, and other major disorders should be mandatorily rejected.


The Kidney Transplant Surgery is considered one of the lengthiest procedures as it involves a standardized three step procedure which has to be looked with utmost care as it involves blocking of blood vessels, lot of bleeding, and infections.

Pre-Operating Procedure:-

Pre-Operating Procedure is nothing but all the regulations and a few crucial tests and some indispensable analysis carried out before the ultimate Kidney Transplant Procedure to make sure the patient is ready for the comprehensive surgery. A few crucial tests focus on the general health issues and also focuses on the mental stability of the patient. It is important to carry out these run reports as it determines the irregularities in blood pressure. A comprehensive blood test also reveals whether the donor is a perfect match for the patient.

Transplant Hospitals
Kidney Transplant Hospitals

Kidney Transplant Surgery Procedure:-

The Best Kidney Transplant Hospital in India and Procedure is like any other operation procedure the only difference being that it is highly supervised under a team of professional experts. The surgery site is always prim and proper, bacteria free, and completely clean.

The donor’s kidney is also inspected before the pre operation procedure and it is made sure that the donor’s right kidney is transplanted to the patient’s left side to ensure easy association with the body and ease in performing surgery.

Post Operation Procedure:-

As the surgery is a very comprehensive surgery, post operation procedure is very essential for a patient. Post Operation Procedure includes a regular watch of a trained nurse where the patient is under observation on a 24*7 basis to avoid any infections and it also ensures complete safety of the patient.

A catheter is attached for urine removal which is also kept under complete observation to make key analysis and perform some vital tests which help in carefully understanding the state of a person’s health.

Kidney Transplant Procedure because of its highly complex procedure, it is important to make sure to keep the patient under observation even after he has been discharged completely from hospital as any smallest of problematic situation arising after the treatment should be notified to the doctor immediately which when ignored may lead to frequent dialysis and other renal issues.

 Transplant Hospitals
Hospitals in India

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