Wednesday 6 April 2016

Skin Cancer Treatment in India

What is Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer, the most common type of cancer, is an abnormal growth of skin cells on the surface that results in a tumor. Skin cancer is the caused mainly by the exposure of harmful ultraviolet radiations or carcinogenic substances which cause mutations in DNA resulting in the formation of malignant tumors. Genetic factors can also be responsible. Most cases of skin cancer, if detected at early stages, can easily be cured by surgery methods. Late diagnosis can cause cancer to pass to other organs, thus posing a major threat to the body.
skin cancer symptoms
Skin Cancer

There are generally three types of skin cancer; Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, and Melanoma. While Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma are most commonly occurring and less threatening, melanoma is the most dangerous variety of skin cancer.

Skin Cancer Symptoms :- 

The symptoms of skin cancer depend upon the type of skin cancer. Each class is recognized by a different set of symptoms. It is often painless.
Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most prevalent type and occurs in the lower part of the epidermis. It appears on the skin with a lot of exposure to sun and UV rays. It can appear as:
·         Reddish patch on the skin that won’t heal.
·         A sore that bleeds and returns time and again.
·         A pimple that won’t clear.
·         A flat hard sunken growth, usually white or yellow in color.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma occurs in squamous cells that form the surface of the skin. It is more common in immunosuppressed people and is detected if there is:
·         A wart-like growth on the skin.
·         A red patch that tends to bleed.
·         Scaly patch on the skin.
Melanoma usually looks like a mole. Its symptoms are as follow:
·         A mole that bleeds.
·         A dark spot on skin growing quickly into a mole.
·         A spot on skin with pain, itch or bleeding.
skin cancer symptoms
Skin Cancer Symptoms Pictures and Signs

Treatment depends upon various factors like type of cancer, the location of cancer, an age of a patient, and stage of cancer whether it is primary or reoccurrence. Surgery is the most commonly opted treatment. There are some other standard treatments as well.


It is the most common treatment in which the affected area is removed by surgical procedure. The tumor cells are excavated out in the surgery. Some neighboring healthy cells are also removed in the procedure to avoid of developing the tumor in future. Different types of cancer involve different sets of surgical procedures.
Skin Cancer Surgery
Skin Cancer Surgery

Mohs Micrographic Surgery:-

This method is used for hard to reach areas or tumors with poorly defined clinical borders. In this method, the entire tumor is removed at once and then small tiny parts around the tumor are microscopically delineated until it is completely removed. This method has the highest cure rate of all methods.

Electrocautery and Cutterage:-

It is the most widely used method in which curette, sharp spoon-shaped tool, is used to remove the tumor. An electric-desiccation is performed on the affected area i.e. passing current through cells in the affected area which destroys the bleeding and damages the remaining cancer cells.


It is mainly applied in the case of primary lesions requiring difficult or extensive surgery. It is of two types; inner radiation and external radiation. In the case of skin cancer, oncologists prefer to use the external method in which the radiation is directed from an outer source to treat the affected organs. It is also given after the surgery to prevent cancer from coming back.


This method is used for the cells which are precancerous or in the case of debilitated patients with medical conditions. Use of liquid nitrogen is made to freeze the affected are and the skin blisters away, leaving a pale scar.


This method is used for removal of precancerous cells present on the outer layer of the skin. Use of creams and lotions is made to destroy the cancerous cells and to prevent them from growing any further. It is also used for malignant melanoma in which tumor keeps growing back but confines to one area.
Skin Cancer Hospital
Skin Cancer Hospital 

Photodynamic therapy (PDT):-

This is the relatively new type of treatment as an alternative to surgery. It makes use of a drug with photosensitizers which make skin sensitive to light. So when the affected area is exposed to special kind of light, the cancerous cells in the region are destroyed. This method is generally used for basal cell carcinoma and is not suitable for deeper skin cancer. The appearance of the skin after treatment is better than that after the surgery.

Cost of the Skin Cancer Treatment:-

The cost of the treatment depends upon the treatment, initial investigations and specialist screenings. We also provide with other facilities like stay arrangement for the patient and assistant, medical supplies and other consumables.
Skin Cancer Hospital
Skin Cancer Hospital In India

For complete information about exact cost of the treatment, send us your medical reports with your queries at our e-mail ID. We will respond you back in 24 hours with complete information about the treatment package after examining your medical reports with finest team of doctors in the best hospitals.

We here, at InGoodHand, provide you with all the assistance during the treatment including medical visa, airfare booking, airport pick and drop service, and hotel stay. With us at your service, you can completely rely on us and have a speedy recovery without all the other tensions.

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