Wednesday 13 April 2016

Hip Replacement Surgery in India


Hip arthroscopy is related to orthopedics department of surgical procedures where the main focus is the hip joint. To know the dynamics and functioning of a joint arthroscopy procedure comes to the rescue. Arthroscopy has helped doctors in understanding, diagnosing and treating any joint related problems. .
 Hip replacement surgery
              Hip replacement surgery in India

Anatomical Understanding:-

Before learning about the surgical procedure, it is important to know the functioning and characteristics of the Hip Joint. The hip joint is said to have looked like a ball and socket, where the ball is the upper end of the femur; they are also commonly known as the femoral head. The socket comprises of the acetabulum and a part of the pelvis bone. The articular cartilage of acetabular fossa is a smooth slippery tissue that connects the femoral head to the pelvis. This tissue can withstand a great deal of pressure when compared to the other cartilages.

Outline of the procedure:-

Joint replacement surgery in India procedure includes a minute camera, which also goes by the terms arthroscope, is gently placed in the hip joint. This camera acts like an eye for the doctors by displaying the interior happenings on the monitor. These processes are preferred when minute surgical instruments are to be guided down.

the procedure includes a minute camera, which also goes by the terms arthroscope, is gently placed in the hip joint. This camera acts like an eye for the doctors by displaying the interior happenings on the monitor. These processes are preferred when minute surgical instruments are to be guided down.
 Hospital in India
                           Orthopedic hospital in India

Pre- Surgical guidelines:-

The patient is examined physically to evaluate the health condition. This is done to identify any problem that might conspire against the procedure of the surgery. Later another evaluation is carried out by a team of anesthesia. Generally, the patient is given general anesthesia where the patient falls asleep over the surgical procedure; other times they are addressed with a regional anesthesia such as epidural to numb the surgical area alone.

In Good Hands, our surgeons make sure that the patient is very well aware of the procedure they are going to undergo. The patients are also given a set of guidelines and parameters to follow before and after the surgery. We are very particular about our patient's needs and make sure that they are comfortable as long as they stay in our good hands.
 Joint replacement surgery
                Joint replacement surgery in India

The procedure commences with the leg being put in traction, this is done as it helps the surgeon to insert the necessary instrument down.
The next step is to drill/ puncture a small hole, say the size of a pepper or a buttonhole size. The hole is drilled in the hip.
The arthroscope is sent down the drilled hole and the image is caught on the monitor. This helps the surgeon in guiding the instrument without causing any internal bleeding.
Later small incisions are made separately to insert other instruments.
The most common procedures are repairing the cartilage or removal of the inflamed synovial tissue.

The total time taken for the surgery depends on the procedure carried out.

Post- surgery:-

For  Hip replacement surgery in India patient, the arthroscopy process for hip joint is similar to the process carried out for an outpatient. That is, they do not need to stay in the hospital. Although, if there are any special medical conditions present, stay in the hospital is required.

Complications and problems :-

Complications due to hip arthroscopies are rare and aren’t that common. They do have the normal risks such as rupture of the vessel or a nerve, around the surrounding of the joint or the joint itself. Due to traction was done, it may cause stretch of the nerves and may result in numbness. Other minute risks are blood clots or perhaps an infection.


After performing the surgery, the patient is taken to the recovery room for about an hour with a support of a walker.

Restoration and Rehabilitation:-

These plans are laid out by the surgeons based on the procedures conducted for the surgery. It is important for the patient to take up physical therapy for achieving better and faster recovery. At In Good Hands we make sure that the movements and the pace of the patient are restored to how it was initial.
Orthopedic Treatments
                  Orthopedic Treatments in India

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